
This site is not intended to substitute for or replace the advice of mental healthcare professionals. If you suffer episodes of depression or other mental illnesses, you should seek medical care. You can ask your doctors for restorative mental healthcare. You can try quick and easy mental healthcare - the label and medicate approach. Be warned that if done carelessly, this may involve misdiagnosis or even adverse effects of antidepressant medications. Short-term depression is often treated effectively with antidepressants. The treatment for chronic mood disorder conditions is outlined in the practice guidelines of the psychiatric profession. Even laymen can read these guidelines and ask their doctors for medical advice which is consistent with the guidelines. The psychiatric profession's guidelines suggest that proper care includes documenting the patient's medical and mental history, family medical and mental history, doing medical tests for underlying conditions which may accompany depression, making a differential diagnosis and using methods of treatment which can either be designed to help the sick person restore normal mood without adverse effects or medicate to numb the pain or ECT to reset the brain. Therapy can also help a depressed patient cope with chronic illness and process the issues involved with mental illness.

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