Starting with the 90 Day Plan for Finding Quality Care , the evening will present information about:
- Meeting is open to anyone interested in restorative orthomolecular medicine - friends, patients, families and caregivers: laymen and health professionals
- Door donations will go to the International Schizophrenia Foundation (formerly CSF)
- Produced in cooperation with the International Schizophrenia Foundation and the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
- finding orthomolecular care for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, autism and other brain disorders
- orthomolecular resources in the GTA: book list, film, newsletter, tapes, journal, professionals
- conferences: report on Nutritional Medicine Today at ISOM #32, April 2003, and ISOM #33 coming to Vancouver, Waterfront Hotel, 2004
- handout: FOROM Friends report, invitation, how to get lecture tapes, book list
- reviews and discussions of books for laypersons and caregivers. Two authors will read from their books:
- Finding Care For Depression by R Sealey, BSc, CA (reviewed by Dr. Abram Hoffer)
- Trace Minerals by Ray Patarrachia, ND, co-author
- stress busters and nutrition tips featuring Rosalie Moscoe, RNCP
- questions, progress reports and networking
This will NOT be a support group. No one will diagnose or treat anyone. Just an evening to share information and network with FOR•OM friends.
- Bob Sealey, BSc, CA – consultant, author of Finding Care For Depression, 90 Day Plan for Finding Quality Care
- Ray Patarrachia, ND – naturopathic practice and research, co-author of Trace Minerals
- Rosalie Moscoe, RNCP – professional speaker, producer of Less Stress More Success
- Jon Prousky, ND – naturopath in private practice, lectures at Canadian Naturopathic College
- Marian Phillips, ND – naturopath working at York Downs Pharmacy and private practice
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