In the Greater Toronto Area and Beyond
An invitation to patients, families, caregivers and health
professionals - people who care about people who live with depression, bipolar
disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD, OCD, autism, Aspergers, stroke, epilepsy,
dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, migraines and other brain disorders.
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Check out SEAR titles
Learn about restorative mental healthcare
After playing Where's Waldo for years, and honing your powers of observation,
see if you can find and network with SEAR Publications at the following events (below) in 2003 and 2004 --
1. Look for SEAR to share booths with other authors-self-publishers.
2. Ask to see the latest SEAR publications:
3. Share success stories and progress reports.
4. See if you can contribute your story to the next publication: an anthology
of recovery stories, open to people who recovered from mental episodes and
brain disorders such as blue moods, attention defficits, thought distortions
or pervasive development disorders.
5. Meet and mingle with FOROM Friends of Restorative Orthomolecular Medicine.
FOROM at ISOM 32 Toronto, April, 11, 2003
- sharing a booth with authors, self-publishers
Book Expo Toronto, June, 2003
- sharing a booth with IPAC (Independent Publishers Association of Canada)
Word on the Street Toronto, September 28, 2003
- sharing a booth with London St. Press,
Barry Shainbaum, author of Hope and Heroes: Portraits of Integrity
FOROM Toronto, October 29 , 2003, 7-9 PM CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS
in meeting room - upstairs and across the hall from the North
York Public Library
- an orthomolecular discussion group, produced in cooperation
with the International Schizophrenia Foundation, Journal of Orthomolecular
- expect to meet consulting naturopath Ray Patarrachia, ND, co-author
of Trace Minerals
Whole Life Expo Toronto, November, 2003
sharing with Helke Ferrie, publisher of Dr. Krop's Healing the Planet, One Patient at a Time
Organic show University of Guelph, January, 2004
sharing with Helke Ferrie, publisher of Dr. Krop's Healing the Planet, One Patient at a Time
FOROM at ISOM 33 Vancouver, 2004
The 4th FOROM public education evening meeting will have 4 segments:
the film Masks of Madness: Science of Healing about restorative orthomolecular medicine: patients and clinicians
- 5 year progress reports from recovered patients who appeared in the film
- (a) keynote speaker - Margot Kidder; (b) award of excellence - to Dr. Abram Hoffer
- meet the authors; expect to meet up to 10 authors, clinicians and self-publishers
See if you can find SEAR Publications in --
Vitality magazine
- available free at health food stores in the GTA
- Check out the June 2003 issue. H Ferrie's report on Nutritional
Medicine Today mentions books about restorative mental healthcare
- Check out the classified ad section for SEAR Publications titles
Help's Here directory of resources for seniors and caregivers
- available free at Loblaws and participating pharmacists
If you want to buy SEAR books in the Greater Toronto Area, check out --
Caversham Booksellers Harbour St west of Spadina
Golden Harvest Health Foods Sheppard Ave. west of Yonge St.
York Downs Pharamacy Bathurst Ave. south of Sheppard Ave.
Intnl Society of Orthomolecular Medicine 16 Florence Ave. near Yonge and Sheppard
Sear Publications Home